Julia Stachofsky, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Business Information Systems at Western Michigan University

Contact Information

Student Questions and Research Mail: julia.stachofsky(pls no spam)@wmich.edu

Personal Mail or Website Issues: julia_stachofsky(pls no spam)@protonmail.com

Other places you can find me! (✿◠‿◠)


google scholar logo links to website linkedin logo links to website orcid logo links to website researchgate logo links to website github logo links to website mastadon logo links to website


osrs logo links to wiseoldman website twitter logo links to website rate your music logo links to website letterboxd logo links to website goodreads logo links to website

I miss the era when websites were fun! So that's why I made everything look so garish :)
I'm also just bad at frontend design and was tired of my generic bootstrap site