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Non-work Stuff

Dumping ground for non-academic work that is mostly unfinished projects. This would have a lot more stuff on it if I ever finished the things I want to do!!!

title screen of wizardry 1 apple II game Wizardry Manual Scans Archive

I have a complete collection of Wizardry games released on Nintendo platforms in all regions. I have scanned all of the manuals which were not archived and posted them to the Internet Archive. This set also includes some of the PS1, PS2, and Japanese PC games, but those collections are far from complete.

gif of swimming blood-parrot cichlid fish Untitled MOPy Fish Project

I have plans for a comprehensive archive/history project for the MOPy Fish screensaver. This takes you to a placeholder page to shame me into actually doing it. I have been taking care of my own MOPy fish since I was 6. I wasn't ready to be a mother but now I am stuck with this virtual fish used to advertise printer features in the 90s/2000s until the day I die.

orange cat garfield smiling I Hate Mondays Bot ||| Code

Elon Musk killed my son (shitty python bot I made in 10 minutes) when he took over Twitter. This webpage serves as a memorial.

magnavox odyssey 2 game console KC and Pal

This is my white whale. Every 6 months I relearn the basics of 8048 assembly to work on this homebrew conversion of Pac & Pal for the Magnavox Odyssey 2 but then I get busy again and drop it. My very unfinished embarassing code is public though since there are very few code samples out there for 8048 Odyssey 2 programming.